Sunday, December 9, 2007

I am so tired this morning...

It is 2am here and I am not yet ready for bed. I realize that I am not sleeping enough; yet it is very difficult to go to bed at a descent hour. Often I go on less than 4 hours of sleep per night, and I have been known to even give myself less than two (or none) on days even when there are no "pressing" events the following day.

Why am I persisting in this poor sleep habit?

I think it is bc I am a task-oriented perfectionist who wants to get the most out of my day. I think of too many things undone and refuse to sleep with these things unfinished.

Or is it that I have fear of not completing things, and I am unwisely stubborn...somehow thinking that my day has not yet ended if I have not shut my eyes, ignoring the fact that the clock has indeed changed and I am merely existing on less sleep?

My former mentality/ explanation does not keep me always in the green: For I know that God promises rest for His righteous-- that I want to be and enjoy--and my refusing to give myself this gift only lessens my weight of pre-distributed-from-the-Lord blessings. I realize that sleep is important and that it is not healthy to leave sleep off the checklist for goals in good health, and in order to better my health and my happiness, it is most likely necessary that I edit my habits regarding rest.

╘ I am resolving to better manage my time in order to fit in at least 6 hrs of sleep.

*Please, Lord, help me to discipline myself in order to keep this goal. Let me know clearly if I need to alter this goal. I praise Your name and thank You for the blessing of sleep. May I sleep well tonight and may I bring You glory in the way I carry out tomorrow. I love You!

I'll let you (blog-readers) know how adhering to the sleeping goal goes:)

Side note:

You know what? I like blogging. It is almost to me like freedom to journal to the world what I am feeling but with a built-in liberty to not have to be too cautious. I appreciate this opportunity, probably more than most.
I used to journal a lot as a child. I still do somewhat. Journaling keeps me real, I do believe, because it forces me to be honest with myself; encourages me to think on a deeper, more philosophical level, and it gives me an outlet for inner thoughts and wisdom from above.

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